Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Meghan markels murders George Bush Sr.
One of the CIA directors n presdidents murdered was shot point blank by a grown adult Meghan Markels bitch. She did it. I was there, and it was an older clone of Bush who said, "its Harry.". Meghan stepped up when he said this, and shot him. He really died and they tortured me to say it was probably Loree if she kept wanting to say it was Meghan. It WAS that bitch. They then shot more of my sons, daughters, n clones if me who kept testifying. He was older, and it was Bush Sr. that was shot. Harry was standing right there next to him. Meghan then went on to work for CIA again, or it was a new job, and the United States allowed her clones to go all over the u.s. murdering my family with military, including Marines. She is guilty. After she shot Bush, then they had a younger Meghan shoot my son and a Bob Jr. And joy was sort if tickled pink about that. One if the men involved is Alabama man who became a football coach in another state. Louden was also there. Daniel Craig and his wives committed multiple murders against U.S. presidents, officials, and my family, and so did Mary God damn Donaldson. I swear to God, my memory is correct and I know what that bitch looks like again, and she did it. There was a wedding a few years later and Markles and the coach were there and u said sarcastically, "Best of luck" and they charged me, knocked me down and beat me. They just grabbed new replacement Bushes and presidents when they murdered one and they had me there so they could always point a false finger at my sons, saying it was them, loree, or someone in my family. Harry repeatedly threatened to murder me and charged me with Markels and Mike and Carol were there. Carol is a fucking bitch. Katzir showed up to talk to me after they were caught taking off after another murder...all of their Israeli assholes. They told me to say it was Yasir Arafat, not Katzir. Katzir wanted to talk to me after I was talking about how Carol Goldmith was a member of the communist party like Reagan. Ronald Reagan had been killing my sons before I was even born, and they said we had "too much money". Carol was described as a Russian terrorist and a Mossad militant. At least one of the Reagan's had been charged with espionage as a kid and they cleared the next one for presidentcy, which was a reason my family did not want Reagan in power. A few older Bushes were sort of okay and then a couple of the others wanted Robin to help him cover for genocide plots. Some of these Goldsmith's n Middleton would murder one Bush and then use and conspire with another Bush...some of their success was from lying about my family. If Bush had really known how disposable he was...he wouldn't have allowed them in the country, or let Markels make her run for England. She belongs in a SuperMax. Or executed. Meghan was told your title is secure after they killed him. I had asked him who is torturing g you? And he said it's Harry. There were conflicts of interest bc a George he. was killing my family with the others. So they used that and false claims to get orger old bush sr.s against us and he then had swat teams on us and was shooting them up himself, with the same Waleses, at places like the Coast Hotel in Wenatchee later. Little Meghan is the one they're positioning with Harry right now. Mossad did the same thing with Mary, telling her her title was secure and move her in, after killing presidents. They were mad at Bush n some Ford's, suspecting them of being involved in wiring some people to catch them lying about my family to use them to frame them for everyone else's crimes. They said a couple if them liked my daughters and said Rebecca wouldn't hurt a flea. The old Bush Meghan shot was maybe 70 years old in the early 1980s. He was older. They took other older ones to the woods and murdered them and it wasn't my time it was a bunch of blacks who knew Meghan. About half were black, another half white Jews, and I thought Meghan was a Mexican. I believe she killed at least two Bushes, one herself and another with her group. I made a mistake of inviting some to go with us to the Bush ranch later and he didn't want them there. When they found that out, they killed a 3rd. Wow Meghan, you're just SO "cute". I said what are you guys doing to Bush now??? They grabbed him and held him hostage in his house. Is that OBAMA'S??? Yeah. And Harry again. They killed him and then brought another set of Bushes in with Jewish CIA and military and started beating up my kids and killing them. They had also been held hostage there. After that, it was all downhill. Mary made multiple hits on Fred and presidents. Doria kept going to my house and shooting more of my clones with dicksie and Carol and Mary. At the Baker Rd. house, in Moses Lake, and at Lockkyns house. Craig's made multiple getaways to Canada sometimes with Middleton and Donaldsons. Mary went to two borders to hide... Canada and Mexico and Stevens house. Then Craig's went to Mexico too. One time, Mary, young Mary, shot Fred and then Joy told her to take his jacket and go to the border and don't let them see you at the truck stop...Tancer Sterling's house. She told Mary where there was money in her house and that it should be enough for a ticket and to pay the guards at the border if it was necessary. She was told to say she'd been in Mexico already and left to do shopping and was crossing over again. to meet Fred. They said it's loree and I said, you guys just shot her. This is Mary. Joy threatened me. Another time they put a hit on Fred when he was in Mexico or leaving with Loree, and another time they killed him possibly separate from loree and then they kept shooting any of Fred's kids or lorees kids with me and jackets in our cars to remember Fred and his killers. I said, one time, who is THAT? And they said, it's a yellow jacket, it's Amanda. I said, buzz buzz buzz and then she shot into the car. I said, hey Krestin, you should get a buzz-cut. I said who is the other one? Victor, and I said, Victor, can I get a vee-buzz? They said, she's just talking about oil and they stabbed more of my family and sneered saying, she won't need a V-back. They said later what's vbs? And I said, uh...verbs, I was trying to remember to learn my verbs so I can write better. Yellow was for Boris Yeltsin. Amanda murdered a margrethe for giving me a ball of yellow yarn. Bob Jr. was repeatedly raping me after Harry and his and Meghan's sons. I curled into a ball at night and Bob would go into my room, pull my legs out straight and rape me vaginally every single night, telling me I told you not to sleep like that. They kept raping me until I would agree to lie and say none of these people murdered and it was my kids and clones. I put a banana peel under my bed for yellow jacket. Bob also said, what did I tell you about talking about Rachel??? And raped me and Daniel Craig and Mike tancer raped me. Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medlev were also around at president n CIA murders. They were with Meghan. I remembered them by Mossad .m.p. this Mexican bitch murderer next door to the Williams laundromat just told me I couldn't use her bathroom. She is with Trump's and Ggoldsmiths. She had Russians at her business and Merkel over once. The Trump's spied for Russia like many of the communist Jews. Reagan wasn't capitalist, he was a communist but he joined the repub. Party as a cover. He was going to run as a Democrat until people advised him to switch. Ford was convicted of treason and pardoned by bush so it wouldn't show on his record, in a deal to promote MMary Donaldson. They didn't want it to reflect on the Middletons. That Ford was forbidden from talking about Mary and could only talk about Middleton but then they went after that one. Trump's hid money in Australia. Australia is one place where John daughleish was from. So we're the Campbell's. So basically Trump's kids would go there with a windsurfing excuse and Meghan and Melania stayed home to cook the books with gates. Janet bechtold butchered babies and cooked one on her stove and she'd had both Krestin n Victor over. She's one of the bunny baby killers like Glenn close style and they shot a Henrik and margrethe there. Harry and Robin were not wanting to get caught with pelton. They shot another pelton at the Baird house who was there, and they shot my sons. Pelton said it's Harry and then when I asked if it was Robin too, he was agreeing and they shot him. I said, how come they wanted to shoot him over Robin? Or was it Harry they didn't want him to mention? Stephanie was friends with Richard daddarios daughter. They shot the investigators and said, mike, grab the bags and ran for it. They had also been investigating Trump's. Dabneys also shot anyone trying to testify. A bob Jr. was shot by Kings county men for testifying about Mike Middleton and in private rooms for testifying about, and interrogating Mary Donaldsons Fred. Trump shot him for testifying against Trump and Richard Ames shot him and my sons and Richard daddarios shot my kids and Fred for testifying against him and Michael Bloomberg and their money laundering with thebaults. Daddarios also shot a margrethe. They had Ivan and Russians hiding at maiers house. Steph would go to Australia with Campbell's and meet Trump's and daughleish, thebaults, and bloomberg. Some of the Russians and Merkel vacationed there and Mossad went there. Pelton also went there and so did Robin and Harry and Craig's. They went there to "windsurf" with Marla and ivanas kids and daddarios. Daddarios met Russians and Mossad in the woods in the u.s. with Donaldsons, maiers, Garner and Meyers, and Trump's. Russians were Boris Yeltsin, Medlev and Putin and Ivan and others and yurchenko. Yurchenko and Spock ears murdered together. Then daddarios was showing up at the cabin in Bonner's ferry and shooting my sons and Fred's with Trump's and Mike's and one time a bush Jr. And katzir and Moshe. That's not plame, that's mike. Vitaly was with Harry and william. Someone named Duncan or Dunham went with Robin. Dmitri had best friends in Canada. They had patrol, border patrol that let Krestin and Victor back and forth. One man lying in a bed in Idaho said, see what u can find out about blogovitch. 8675309 is a song I wrote about daddarios n Russians. 4 on each hand Mike, james, markn troy and John, Martin, justin, dennis,Melania matthew, and Robin n jason n kevin n Scott,craig, Harry n bobb,joe nntom n Krestin n victor, n Israel's n Beth n Steph n Allen n amber, n David Kelly n Beckham, n alicia. They also had tancers out there including Sarah, who had red hair n resembled me n Carl, n blogovitch n Yulia n Chapman n Michelle n Tracy n marylynn kargman n brodericks n Steven n Jessica, n Amy, sandbergs, ben n Sarah, Frank, Sharif n Dodi, Merkel, owner of Williams liquor store,thebaults, Deborah titleman, Debra messing, , Seinfeld's, Charlotte (spying w Medlev), Clinton's, bush n Reagan, marky mark n Christina daddario. I said Christina daddarios n Carol gsmith looked like two witches n her daughter looked like Anna Chapman n they stabbed my kids and said what else do u want to say? Daddarios said, you won't catch me until I've already been in power. I said, all these women had big hawk noses except me...I mean what's with the schnozes? I said it's like only only Gonzo noses hate us cuz we have small noses...I don't like being around a bunch of bloodhounds and THIS guy thinks he wants to run the K-9 unit!"
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