Thursday, March 22, 2018

Russians n mike Middleton

One man mike spied with was Aleksei.  He was also with Donaldsons.  They lied and said it must have been Tom or Kevin Spacey.  I said, speaking Russian?  He was atmarys house with other Russians.  Meghan n mike were with yurchenko.  He liked Meghan, n Mary n Krestin.  He also knew Katie.  Mike Middleton was also with nicholai, n Boris, Medlev n Putin.  Kevin Spacey went to the woods too.  Mike was also with Angela.  After William murdered another bush, I had checked his pulse or was going to n he was dead n Katie ran out to get Bloomberg. When Mike middMiddl was caught at the same scene, he said it was my daughter bc I had said, he said it's his daughter is he wanted to see them another time n he cut me off bc tancer was there too.  The first bushes were saying get my son to mean gold sun Goldsmith mike n others said daughter for dancer girl tancer. It was a code I came up with, with him.  I was told, even with all those murders of him, he likes getting freebies for his kids, meaning money from killing n selling us.  One was, n others were not.  I said I found it hard to believe that many of his older clones would die over my kids, defending them, if they were all against them.  Another was shot at the Williams laundromat with Fred's n my sons n then I was shocked to see yet another going after my kids with the same people killing him, again. Fred was killed by Donaldsons sons friends from Utah, and mike n Spencer's n joy.  She got them in a corner with the others.  The Utah men n Spencer's had broken into the control room of the laundromat to steal video footage and ran out with this and documents.  They raped me n appeared here with Krestin n Victor n I was told, they're not navy, they work for the CIA.  I was told, CIA people are killing the CIA director and you need to day something about it.  More than once they broke into buildings to steal camera footage after they'd murdered people.  They kidnapped my kids n us in a camper n shot them n tortured them, and they took a bush away into one, one of the times.  Another killer had a wife who looked like Rebecca and they murdered her kids and accused her of spying when they were the ones stealing n were with Angela merkel, Russians, n mike Middleton.  They murdered innocent babies n my daughters.  An Arabic man butchered my kids in l.a. with Mike and Robin n Spencer's n Rachel Chandler, and was doing the same thing in Saudi Arabia. A George bush went back into the same laundromat with his on Jr. N killed more of my kids n I thought he must really not know they're the ones killing him...Harry threatened me multiple times n they beat Fred n shot him.  They said Krestin, let's go.  Krestin turned around to go back after me bc I said, carol, who is going to pick me up next time? At the laundromat. Another time it was joy n another time Angela n planes.  They showed up with all Russians too, or I think others with them n then they were there with Craig's n Martin.  Fred told me don't put your bear paw boots in your back until they're bonded.  Joy took this to mean Fred divulged Donaldsons working for British div CIA or mi6 n killed him.  The station wagon people also got paid by Carol goldsimth n Colombians...pardos people. They're plates are 6rkp811.  I saw them w multiple groups.  Then joy n u.s. dropped my clones over a cliff w someone saying, the boys are on the bottom n nods from mossad.  I said, I was just putting super glue on my boots n you made that big of a deal out of what Fred said?  He said I'd have enough glue for the other shoe, the right one, after I glued the left.  Henrik said he was getting a divorce from the CIA meaning Ivan fedorchuck had joined CIA.  Some of my sons worked at the laundromat when they were shot.  They had work n investigation papers with them which Donaldsons stole. I think two Fred's died here. One was told to sit w bush n was shot n another was punched n beat up n killed. Some of my kids around the area too n no washer n dryer or it would break down n they'd go there n were shot in drive bus n with waiting thugs. Many of my kids n a few Fred's murdered here.  Ivan also showed up here with russians. At my house, several investigations turned into shootouts with dabneys n Donaldsons running off with stolen records n cases.  And money.  There was more than one arrest.  Dabney was arrested, with Amanda, and another car with Mary, n Krestin n Victor in another.  In some cases, every single investigator was shot, and it was not by my clones or kids.  I was tortured for a long time.  Bob Jr got mad when a Fred is my son said he spent most of his time making me forget.  I was also tortured by Donaldsons, dabneys, tancers, heinzes, and Mike Middleton.  Another was amber n president ford, one if them, and Ron Meyers, and Bloomberg n daddario. Bob n dicksie shot over Rachel Chandler. Jen Garner is another n she was killing with bush in woods n then suspicious of bush when she saw him talking to me.  So she n Mary put hits on him. They took bush aside as she asked me, what were you n bush talking about? I said, he just said he'd kill me if I talked about my son, that's all...where's bush?  And I started screaming help! Help! Jen wants to kill me!!  She was regularly making concoctions of poison, and also psodium penthanol n torturing people.  Hook him up.

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