Thursday, April 5, 2018

Addition to post on last blog...criminal Meghan markles

My other blog with blogger is vriminalmeghanmarkles with misspelling of her name.  I wrote about a yellow lab, Mary Donaldsons black ancestry n black gangs who held hosges n raped n Mossad n how Denmark should not allow Donaldsons to stay in power, or any Fred that supports them or any margrethe that seriously supports them n I wrote about how denmark should have their own nuclear power.  However, I do NOT think they should introduce nuclear power as long as any Donaldson is in power at all.  They're traitors n work for Mossad n would abuse their power to profit the u.s. n Israel n other countries they spied with.  Israel wants war and they would use, n have already used Denmark as another Israeli base n country for themselves.  Having an Israeli, Mossad led terrorist regime control access n use n proliferation of weapons would be extremely dangerous to Denmark n the rest of the world.  Mossad n Israel are not datisfsat with Israel as their own country, they invaded and control Denmark, and they have a majority say over the u.s.  to the point that no one goes to prison for spying for Israel...they have put person's who work for Mossad in power in Germany n in Russia n the next line up is not likely to be anything but Mossad.  They also put Mossad in Saudi Arabia.  Salmaan and his family were paid by Mossad.  They falsely accused n murdered my entire family n others, for Mossad.  There are Mossad assets in Arabia n some worked for military n some in families...fayeds are one of them.  Fayeds mother is a Jew n they all worked for Mossad with Goldsmith's n Israelis. Mossad wanted to ruin Denmark, put Mossad margrethe n Donaldsons s in power, kill Fred off, n have Krestin as king n introduce more Mossad war n attempts to conquer more territory.  Murdering my family n Innocents was an attempt to steal an entire country, not just titles.   They committed genicocide n Mossad n israel have a very obvious pattern of committing genocide to steal territory.  Fred n Mary Donaldson thought it was so amusing, they made me play a game with them, of assisting THEM to start a war n having ME as Mary good DAMNed n if I would help her n traitor Fred after wlves nnti Mossad n CIA about it ha they were doing.  They smirked to themse.  They thought it was funny to organize genocide n torture of royals.  So far, let's look at Israel's record...they're communist, clergy-stste dictators.  They started every war that's been a major world war, n have profited from it.  They want more war n more control.  They murder off anyone not Mossad to put Mossad in the highest positions.  They started WWI and they started WWII and they started gulf wars.  They also ruined south America. The result of any Israeli action has been terrorism, communism, power to Jewish supremacists n allies tallies that believe in clergy-states, and not tolerance but instead worldwide persecution n terrorism against real Protestant Christian's.  They rape them, eye their jobs n murder to steal them, n covet their property, spouses, n murder their kids.  They bring misery, slavery, n suffering to anyone who is not supporting them.  They have lied so much, I have serious concerns about the validity n accuracy of the holocaust of  WWII as they describe it.  They have destroyed all data re. Holicaust of Protestants by them, during the war n after.  I have witnessed their propaganda n fabrication of evidence, n know they do not want human cloning disclosure bc they profit from it.  I regret doubting anyone who was a holocaust denier. I also witnessed Mossad n Mossad undercover asking for destruction of holicaust sites to keep people from discoverigd their lies.  I also heard them State they did not want any mention of cloning in holocaust museums, n I witnessed bush n Mossad destroying mass burial sites of Protestants, n starting Forrest fires after digging up old bodies.  Mossad did this.  I absolutely hate them.  My kids k ew of many places where they had hid bodiehid bodies n the Mossad took them out there n started massive fires n backdraft explosions to destroy evidence.  My royal families n all my kids were heroes, never Mossad.  I also witnessed the fact that they murdered anyone who stated clearly, Salmaan was a Mossad Arab.  I wasn't sure n I had seen him paid many times by them.  Fred said this n my kids.  Mary was supported by him.  There is a Mossad n Jewish Arab community n his family murdered mine as part of that group.  They made him Mossad king over Saudi arabia.  You can't trust him or any Mossad n not bob n dicksie n their families.  Mary went back n dug up bodies n burned n chemically disposed them with Elizabeth. Bob n dicksie too.  They didn't want me to have evidence of genocide against me.  They made fun of my kids n bragged w daddarios n bloomberg.  Rachel is guilty. So is Jones.  Etta n blacks dug up bodies to burn too.  They didn't just kill people ith permission.  They murders a lot of people they didn't want seeing evidence. 

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