Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Severe torture migraine over Jimmy carters espionage against CIA, miffleton, donaldson

I need someone to force person's responsible for torturing me to my head to quit what they're doing.  I'm being severly tortured bc of illegal presidential espionage n their operations on me n my family to control n torture us.  I've been in a truck n remembered a huge number of murders n spying...more murders if George bush sr, murders of my kids by bush Jr, Jimmy Carter spying g against CIA n selling the info, torture n murders by Carter, murders by Jason from Coquille n Daniel, murders by Victor n Fred, murders by Krestin, n don was selling keys to why sell to brian. Carter was spying n selling to mike Middleton. He also murdered n stole with dabneys n Donaldsons.  My daughter repeatedly said this n knew, n my sons n one bob Jr was shot by him for saying, it's Jim. Jimmy Carter. Seriously, it was.  He committed sickening crimes.  I was told they'd file n then they killed more people, murdered my real dad, took hits on woodland family, n then threatened me in the emergency room when I was a preteen against reporting him n garbage threats like, once you get outoof theut CIA don't expect to get in again.  I remembered this right before clicking the other door open to get out bc I needed water n I'm taking almost a full 24 tab bottle of exederin migraine n still being tortured bc caryers assholes had me operated on.  He made fun of me n then again joked it off over comments that he worked for yoda, when it was golda. Dicksie n Katie told me to say that. Yoda was Richard daddario.  They wanted me to sound nuts.  I saw Carter stealing a lot of info n torturing. Horrible crimes.  Mossad gained so much control by mid 80s they "weren't taking reports against Carter anymore" n butchering people in the woodland ER with Carter saying he n the others wanted martial law n every last one of us killed so no future reports could surface.

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