Early on Donaldsons were raiding rooms I was in with my sons n they were them, young n old. They killed them while drinking tea (they were), at tea parties, on planes with Alvaro pardo, in houses with Mossad, in barns, camping, in orchards, n off of cliffs n in the woods, also in foreign countries, paying them. John was always unscrewing lids from sewers to dump people. He was always bwirking with Robin bechtold. I remember times it was only John n his sons Krestin n Victor n no one else...just me as a little girl, too. I remembered a lot if this while making Italian food...lasangevin a prince size individual dish. I temembreme other things while walking home with an aluminum kid backpack carrier, after I decided to pick it up along with some gap made in pakiPaki jeans, bc I bought 2 heavu bags of Safeway groceries n recalled additional murders of margrethe n henrick in these orchards off of 99. One murder if Henrik was at night, he was alone, n the others were daytime n mixed. His kids also usually around. Fred told me jonaquin his brother was bad n murdering them n it was true...he n his wife were with Mossad n planning n paid for genocide. I had my left ankle wrapped today from injury n also had to be seen for migraine of 3 days...I really don't believe my clones have natural migraines...I think they are classic migraines that are triggered by govt chips. I do think my family had a real history of seizures, n we really have hemophilia, including me their mother n all the lorees. I am not sure anyone Danish such as margrethe or Henrik had any hemophilia....they had other problems but all Fred's kids with lireebhad it or were carriers n me too n it's real, nit fake. It's not life threatening ...well, it is...if we have injuries we can easily die. I'm not sure hiw I have hemophilia except some family told me were British carriers maybe Russian...same dudes as queen qlizaEliz. We're telated biologically to same person's Elizabeth is related to, monarchs of england. Dabney n his family repeatedly stole my clones kid carriers and killed them on hiking trips. So did Donaldson. My own family too, or Garrett n baurds, some of them...inc including on Trek's in India n Pakistan n other places. I was shot in the back of the head over riding a bike n walking a bike. Bike to right is btr ...bitter Mary. One of multiple murders of margrethe n my clones n henrk prompted my n Fred's daughter to plead, don't let margrethe go Cameo, they'll kill her..I heard Mike talking to Ben about it. This is after her ones already went to a location to try to find out about Mary Donaldsons spying n plots n they killed her. Muktiplet outdoors n inside cars kills...is this him??? She asked me one of the times n another time she said its Katie n one of the murders was by her...not all of them. Margrethe told me not to give Mary money bc I was seeing her murder my kids so I offered her my own money to keep them alive. She was stealing for years n then wanted to pick up money too....another murderer who extorted money is there's a heinz n another is Anna chapman. My daughter would wait out in a white SUV for hours, trying to catch the killers...just to prove they were the ones guilty of espionage....theresas response was to hire the Pentagon to set cops out with FBI to force me to lie n try to set us up...this is the other thing my daughter told me n yes, it's true. There's n Kerry plotted martial law against my family. They were picking up money promising they wouldnyw kill kids of Fred n lorees n the rest of us bc they were part of Mossad genocide plots against us. I was there. I saw it happen n another time it was roses Wilson's n planes murdering her....the vehicle is parked in a car graveyard of vehicles some if my kids used for awhile before being murdered n Mary Donaldson n her kids did spying there too. Traitor spying, not defending their families with info on killers. Harry n Meghan killed at the same parking lot n up to the same vehicle. One daughter had said don't go back there or let margrethe go bc they're planning to try to set the both of you up (to cover up their murders of others). Jason Bateman was another particiant n one was Robin bechtold...I said how come Robin is always meeting the Donaldsons out here? Someone said I don't know, why don't u ask, so I did n said Robin, how conc you keep wanting to pay Krestin n vicVic but not MY sons?? Are u friends with mark ?? Or are u friends with Ed Howard n Richard Ames? N how come u wanted me to see u with two different Edwards...Wales with Russ n Howard??? Bechtolds entire family showed up to massacre another set of bymy family n my daughter screamed "no!!!! It's JANET!!!". And it was. Mean...I mean NO one has ever witnessed how cruel n mean Janet is. On more than one occasion I saw her suddenly become a jekyl Hyde and turn into this manaical mafia acting cold hearted monster. Monster was for Mary Donaldsons picked n acne marked face...like muenster cheese from Merkel. I was punished for noticing and saying this, by being deliberately infected with the chicken pox virus as a little kid. Mary was murdering tons of Fred's family on tons of hikes n backpacking trips with planes, roses n Wilson's, mark mamarkmarmmark and merkels, bechtolds, Bateman's, le Gallo's, Bacon's, btodericks, waleses, Ed n Rick Ames, Kate Winslet n her son jack, sandbergs, Rani Guzman, Markles n alitas husband n kids, balls, coach from Alabama who coached football in another state too, Mossad, Goldsmith n middMiddl, Calagun, aspercream love of John's, daughleish, the ads man...a.s. Anthony construction killer, Obama's, Clinton's, bushes Texas CIA family, Stanley, cartright n Leon panetta, Brian gross n thebaults, pardos, who's the mob? Moshe begin. Peterson's from Moses lake, Fallon's, O'Reilly n Lara ingraham, former president. Carter.some were taking machine guns "hiking", Sterling tancers, Alicia, ramone Sanchez, bujandas n pardos n Gonzales, Garza, Pitts, Aniston, affect n Jen Garner n her dad, halvorsons n van burens, Caine's, Cruz, n Jon dryer, ringwald,bestevez, Koch brothers, leemans, lermans, Adams, Penn's, Anna Chapman, dabneys, Eastwood's, gatti n Smith, Susan Lucci, Susan Smith, Jessica Russian n tarlov, Cohen's, Markles, care right, Doug n jack Foley n Ed n Carla Israel, m.j.,Cooper's, Lacey...tons of ctr people, rosens, Stacy pastor of Newberg assemblies, Alia n her kids n black husband with Markles n Obama's blacks, balls, no one in my family that I was lied about n told was my family was even my family...all of them worked to murder my clones of me, Fred n royals, to shoe in Mary donaldsons feet with a shoehorn n they chopped feet off peipechoon chopped off hands of Innocents just for showing their hands...Hans Krestin of Denmark hated his own family n loved power n himself. "She won't have the gloves". They, the Donaldsons n their group ganraoef me in a tent throwing me on my back in an aluminum frame child carrier that Fred n loree had used prior to their kids being murdered in it n out of it, . Hector n Harry n Markles n John n William n cartright...raped me. They tied me to the frame calling it a gurney. They also had daughleish braping mebanally over n over n telling me to try using aspercream for my asshole bc this is where he n his black friends raped me. They were also drugging me with shots at night n raping me so did wake up with hernias n swollen asshole n vaginabfrom rape while I was unconscious n they did this to my daughters with Mary Donaldsons who were also injecting embryos into unconscious women without their knowledge...instead of punishing Mary the u.s. n CIA FBI pentagon praised n paid her. She raped countless numbers n impregnated them against their will. I witnessed it n then they told me to say it wasoree n loree never ever did that n did not look like Mary or go by her name either n she wouldn't assault Danish royals or others or her kids...Mary did. They held a margrethe hostage to watch n she said, it's Mary.she was impregnating women with embryos, in the woods. So was Alicia Silverman n Alicia keys, n Sarah Silverman n rapists included 81084h1, Harry's friend. Sharon also murdered. Stephanie maiers mother Barb maiers raped me nonstop with her family. She was grabbing me, inserting her fingers into my vagina n saying mmmmhoney yes, she'll be ready in a minute n then having men rape me. Barb maiers raped me herself n raped my kids held hostage at her house. One of her buddies was a doctor named Johnson, n Jason Bateman n Eric. All the sellens n all the maiers are child and baby rapists. They used construction bfrienfs to rape us, like Fowler n then Mary was inviting his company to profit in Denmark. They came to my Moses lake house n other houses to rape, torture n kill with stand up pipe torture n using electrocution n one of my sons screamed, "it's Barbara...she killed my dad!". That's true. John daughleish murdered Fred's in nets...fish nets with his sons n held them hostage in nets over h.n. for hand for Hans Krestin. They also hooked Fred's n his kids by the mouth with hooks. Anyone carrying a hand net or butterfly net was murdered, if in my family n the Donaldsons whacked , then put crumpled or dismembered bodies into sewer n drainage holes n would fish out severeed heads with a handnet to show off to donaDonald n Mossad. Dicksie n joy n Jews went into a cave n murdered a set of my royal daughters who had hand made a beautiful fishing cast net for me, so I could survive as they as royals had to survive until murdered by sadistic, rapist n looting petty theives n traitors. I asked for a spinning wheel to remember some of the earlier murders n then the bairds stole it from me n then Etta n Josephine n Isabella. I caught them with dabneys n bechtolds all the time. Fred screamed, it's John!!!! N they killed him n bragged to my sons, were not going to have a problem with Fred..were going to say YOU did it n they held me hostage n tortured me to say it was my own sons n not point out donaldsons. Mary donalson chased margrethe around a table n murdered her. A clone of me later waved side to side to remind me of this m Fred dying by her n Donaldsons bc he put his arms to the side like chist to tip me off on our killerd n the traitors of Denmark. She shot him in the back. Many Fred's held my hand or walked with me n loree n were murdered. The loree waving was camping with Fred, fit n nice looking n hair lighter n shoulder length n there were others too. Mary n Meghan Markles were stabbing them to death. John n Mike n others tracked all my clones who went to glacier park n wrote in a diary to me n they killed them n stole their notebooks...they knew where Donaldsons spied. They daid said it was loree who bnlught a pass n it was Mary. She n her group we're sneaking in to trade off money n secrets n pay n bribe park officials so they could put more hits on Fred's....she also machine-gunned down other rangers. I saw her do it. Later they had their traitor group force a loree n her kids to go through motions n act of visiting n imitating what Donaldsons did, while holding us hostage n they even made loree shoot a machine gun at nothing to film her looking like she did what Mary did...Mary stood on roofs n shot down margrethe n Henrik at one. Nice dog Rufus. This was more than once n then CIA n Mossad ambushed them at Starbucks by Burger King n then kept showing up Everytime I asked about buying a fishing pole. My sons were murdered for fishing with me n my daughters daughter's too, in more than one country...over the Soviet looking eagle on a machine reel box to a Johnson brand pole. Krestin, do u have your passport with u? Uh huh n so how come they use them in n out of the u.s. but my sons n kids don't have one? Mary's such a cute little darling, driving vanloads of Fred's dead kids to Canada. sdssssoo cute! That's when she's not meeting her kids after they get carpooled around by either Moshe n mossad or Boris Yeltsin n fedorchuck or hey! Fred's other killers...dabneys! Dabney pees sitting down...sd for Mossad. Then he runs to daddy over a machine reel with a Russian eagle on the box.oh...or Brian n Lisa and fedorchuk...nice plaid fedora. Oh here comes Angela merkel with Chris n his mom n Donaldsons n he brags with prince Charles, matt Damon n been Affleck n Mossad about raping me n then invite British n u.s.britidh to make fun of my sons while bragging about this, about making have a tiny unborn porpoise n ut r raping me n making fun of Fred with his arms out to the side like a cross for Christ to tip me off about Krestin...out n above head dive to look like Mossad like a dolpdolp jumping...for I know the plans...Jeremiah. oh yeah, who is Joanna? Hey Anna, do u have any chapstick? Hey, don't think the Canadians are into Joe as much as they are Mary Donaldson n Anna chapmCh...oh look it's peeeee-turd. Did he mess his pants in Canada or the u.s. with tancer. And why we're the entire group of Russian spies that the u.s. sent back to russRu allowed back in after they met with Mary to murder an entire group of my royal n Fred's famil with Mary trading papers n money with them? How is it possible my family was accused of Russian spying when all along, the killed for Mary? Not to mention tiny Tim teeth Mary ..or is it tummy time Mary, stabbing women in the stomach..hey! Fred's not pregnant mary! Not to mention this Danish woman who looked like me if my hair was brown n I was pregnant...n Danish traitors..shr works for Danish military...butcher w Mary sandbergs n dicksie shooting my son for Chris dabney n bob shoots me 3 x in head..once over bike to Sider bike to sid