
these are pics of things I selected today n other day that I might use camping but also reminded me of many crimes against my family. Dabney murdered my babies, clones of me, n strapped my sons n Fred down to be tortured n killed. Donaldsons helped him. They shot one of my sons on a porta potty n blamed me too, one of Fred's sons, n they shot matgtemar for wearing a shanghai long red robe outside to tell me that's who Krestin worked for. Katie stole a two swan blanket from me, and a red windbreaker ...the us let her steal from us n murder us. She is wearing a sapphire ring that is not hers, which I never gave her or sold. She's a theif, greedy, and a liar n baby beaters. Bob Jr and several others took turns running into my kids n clones on the side of the road too n they framed loree n my kids n murdered them over latge bags they assumed had bodies n only had sleeping bags. I also walked a new direction through some orchard where Krestin n Victor spied n shot tons of mt kids n their own half brothers n sisters. Bob was meeting them out there sometimes, n mike n Russians n Mossad . Anna my fadaught was also murdered. I had a daughter named Anna, n the us used Anna Chapman as a cover..or used her n defamed my kid claiming my Anna was the spy n she wasn't. Anna Chapman met donaDonald out there n killed my kids. Dicksie killed my kids too, by the train tracks n under a bridge, shooting my kids who once waited for me with Fred n loree on a push car n chair n they were having to sleep there..Fred was. He said he'd rather sleep under a bridge with loree than in a castle with Mary n Donaldsons. He was shot by a house that was in an orchard n looked like a train too, with his kids...ambushed. they killed his kids all the way down an orchard on either side...bujandas, Donaldsons, bechtold, Obama's, tancers, Markles, bairds, balls, Shaw from England, planes, Spencer's, Olivia Munn, rockrb1, roses, lewises, Middleton's, Goldsmith's, dabneys, Clinton's...Clinton lived in the area for awhile n killed them n mike did too n Lewinsky. So did Rachel Chandler...she put mant hits on my kids, n Craig's, n Daniels. 6kry553 n another man. Rachel chandCha deliberately set up n framed my Cline's of me n so did others..they filled one of my sons houses with military docs n info n then called cops when he was gone to say there was suspicious activity n put my kids in jail n they did this to a Fred n shot him. They said that was lorees Fred. They also shot his daughter with loree n made him run past a waste disposal area with his dead daughter crying n telling me help me, help me bc it was Krestin. They were taking my family to the dump after they killed them. Not my kids...them. I know what they look like n it was them. Kate n Meghan murdered many Fred's n margrethen n Henriks, not just my kids. Mary shot margrethe as she was wearing the Shanghai robe n it was the one who is now public figure. Meghan also shot my kids n Fred. They went to homeless sites where Fred's clones stayed and shot kids including Fred's too, even ones who I had bought clothes for. One if Fred's daughters at another site sat on a hot pink n purple sleeping bag saying to loree, " mommy when are we going home? " N they shot her. They shot her just bc they daid hot pink meant Joe plame, hot for flame n pink for Mossad...Golda meirs. They shot my daughter wearing a new gap jacket, my son wearing a black leather look jacket with brand name chocolate. Obama's showed up at my house to harass me about getting dress for one daughter called berricute or something with a dotted skirt in Marion color. They shot Fred's sons wearing henly shirts as babies. He was changing his diaper n dressing him n they shot him n they shot Fred n his sons who later stood by a tree wearing henly shirts. Hotchkiss was also killing us n lying for Donaldson in court n raped me at his house. He spied with Donaldsons. Barak Obama then grabbed me n forcibly french kissed me bc I said I didn't want to kiss a black man or marry one. He raped me n french frenchkissede me n shot my kids at hotchkisses house, with Meghan. Clarence Thomas was killing my kids n lying about them to promote Meghan Markles n bowles paid him or was involved. Spencers dabney n others also visited him. Meghan n Mary n Kate n Carol took turns shooting my sons n Fred on a porta potty with a toilet suspended above grounf with a frame like a wheelchair. Erran n kohens n waleses killed my kids with Donaldsons, n Fred, at a picnic stand for Mexican n orchard workers. Krestin n vicVic put on masks. They killed Fred n it was over a green red color theme n a thermos strapped to a pole with snow cone cups. They kidnapped Fred's daughters n clones of loree who were breastfeeding n milked them for Kate middMiddl, who stood n watched with Mike n Meghan n Mary. They took turns raping them n sucking on their breasts n FBI allowed all if it n a huge group was white n military n another group was all black. They were innocent women. They were told show up for pics of you with your babies n they killed their babies in front if them n strapped them to piles for Lorraine rose the polish Jew, n raped them publicly. Dabney was who planted my kids houses with military info, with donaDonaldsons. The kohens punched to death several if my kids with Bill Clinton n Harry, at the Snoopy cone tables, with William. They shot more of them for making an egg shaped basin with a woven grate over it to remind me who committedurders of us n dumped us in sewers n committed stand up pipe torture...roses. Mary also planted govt secrets for Fred to be falsely accused at a house by an orchard in Corning. The last thing he said before being shot, in shock, standing there, was a gasp of "Mary". She set him up. She shot margrethe in the woods with Valerie Plame with her n Katie n Meghan. Donaldsons shot another margrethe by a stream or river in the woods where Chris dabney n other govt men were going. I said one day, who is that man talking to Krestin? N it was Joe plame n Russians. Some of my daughters were one day there with margrethe in the other side if the water and Donaldsons shot her n my daughters screamed when I said who is that? It's margrethe n then they shot about 4 or more of my fadaughte n their kids, maybe 8 total, in a massacre on the side of the bank. This one time Donaldsons were with Joe she said that's Joe. Another man who met with them drives with plates"rockrb1". Another one was Ivan. Margrethe pointed out Joe one day by that place n said that's Joe..was it him? N she was shot. Mary unloaded bodies of Fred's wife n kids at the woods n then shot Fred from behind the trunk of the car which was open. She was dumping bodies. Then bob told Katie another time, Katie can u help me with this? N they dumped a body bag with Mike there. Mary wanted to set up n frame loree so they told her to carry a bag n joy did, said this, n they had cops n FBI sh
show up n said we've been receiving reports of body dumping n they arrested loree n when they looked in the bag Fred was inside with I think one if his kids. Loree had daid tdaid the bag felt heavy n joy said hurry n just take it to car it's clothes n sleeping bags n have someone help u. When they saw what was inside Fred's daughters started screaming n screaming, hysterical n shaking their heads screaming no!!! They wanted to make us look like drug dealers n frame us for what others did. She said, it's mary. It was. Then they shot Fred n his sons who stood by the car with broken arms n legs for the side of the body they had broken. Honey mustard, stolen honey, Rick, and poisoning s tomorrow...I'll write about it. A Henrick was also shot by a car with the trunk open n he said, it's Mary. It was Mary and her group. Mary was caught coming out of woods another time with a knife. She was also dismembering people with Koch's at their warehouse n saying it was loree I must be thinking of with mafia...it was not loree. They also shot Fred's sons carrying a bag of camping supplies n another time William n Harry lied n said it's just heavy n they accused them of crimes by setting them up when they didn't know. Henrick tried to report Mary n was shot by Mossad. Dicksie n Mossad n others said or believed there was no way for Mary to be public figure after she was caught killing so many Fred's n his family n trying to blame Mary n when I talked about how now we could be royals, n another young pretty loree feeling excited, they went into the woods n murdered her. Then dicksie killed another one n her coworker said do ksie, now it is really over. Dicksie was killing with ideas she'd be exposed as a double le thostage holderambern n naI'd mentioned amber n Amanda n Rachel possibly going to jail. She said which Rachel n then wanted to kill more of us. Dicksie smirked about it n they said the same thing to Mary Donaldson. They took other lorees to the woods n her kids n Fred's n said hey loree what's this n punched her in the face, and they forced her to give her diamond wedding ring to Mary with Anna Chapman there. They also kicked Fred's princesses who were grown n pushed their heads into corpses if their own family freshly dead, told them to eat their hearts out n as they raised their faces saying Cameo...niii... In agony, with faces smeared in blood, then they grabbed her n the others n gangraped them saying they'd .ake them kiss them, n then shot all of them. Donaldsons all there. Then they told me to lie n day it was Anna Chapman who was forced to do this and it wasn't. They later told me again, with Fowler there n cops, tell loree to give Mary her ring n say it's bc of what she did to Mary n Anna....n Meghan kept bugging me about it n Spencer's death threatened me with Mossad Russians, Mexicans, n Merkel. Josephine sold her dad's life for a piece of fish. Isabella was stabbing Fred's family to death too. They also sold to hamburger Angela merkel on a hillside in a remote farmlike or hill meadow area, younger Mary there. Dicksie was hiding guns under her car seat to shoot my family in cars n bob did this too. One of the boys s ran into lorees car when she had a baby in a arseat as she left a reststop. Loren n baurds threatened me n forced me to look inside a concrete box like a well or y'all applecrate n said your family will never be royals n killed more n I said one if the times with Spencer's there...they already are. They were threatening me to not talk about all of the murders. Meghan helped. They daid Mary, n then Meghan, see Cameo warming her hands over a burning barrel in NYC? See you have nothing to worry about n before that they did with Angela merkel, burning body parts. Merkel handed Meghan her gun n fired with her too...Germany....germa-ny. I daidayne Mary would like to go to NYC n Mary declined n Meghan said ok. I said u guys like hiking and camping as much as Germans. Then they forced more of us to the woods in possibly Germany n dicksie pretended to be me n they had an older clone of me with hair bleached blond n murdered her slicing her body "like a honey baked ham". I was forced by Merkel, not loree, to hold a gun young as age 4 n 5 n fire against my own family.john daughleish chopped our bodies up with Angela, making jokes n smirking, n tortured my family with her. He stole rings saying give that to Mary...young as4. They made me flower girl for a wedding with a ring bearer after this n killing more family. John made me Mary's prison slave...tancers n John shot my kids n gave me a dog t shirt. I bought a button when I was a kid that said, I'm not ad innocent as I look to remember Krestin looked innocent n was a traitor, guilty of treason. Mike n Donald Trump's wives shot Fred's kids at the stream n mike who is vp now shotargrethe n was paid by Mossad when she was asking who a Henrik n Fred were killed by n working for. Mike n Karin pence n Donald work forosdad. Been netanyahu paid them. Pence also murdered my son's n lorees. He also paid Chris dabney who was paid by Mossad. Pence n Trump amputated my kids n arranged body parts to predict what my future piles of clothes from a homeless site would look.like. Markles n Levi were paid by Putin n Medlev, in Russia n pence encouraged them to kill me. He was around when I was little, with Melania n Trump, framing my kids n breaking into my house to shoot Fred n lorees for not joining Mossad. I can put a timeline together about Trump n pence n their Russian Jew Mossad wives that looks worse than their cocaine piles from Mossad Alvaro pardo.
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