A huge amount if information about margtrethe making me Queen was deleted from my blog n about more murders. After I wrote about Levi n Carmen I wrote about Fred being held hostage in a cage n telling me Robin bechtold was not his lawyer, n to tell his country he was held hostage in the u.s. Donaldsons said to leave him in there. Margrethe said, tell my country I'm a hostage and not to let anyone in until she was back, n said not British or Mary, and she said let them know they have the wrong one. She said this separately from Fred in a cage, another time...she kept telling me they had the wrong one n this is after the u.s.had tried to lie lbout my sons again but she was also talking about Mary being bad. She signed a document with Henrick n Fred at the table, banning Donaldsons from being in Denmark or rulers n then she n Henrik we're murdered at the table by Donaldsons n their group. One of the person's killing margrethe, who she named, was Queen elizabeth of England. That was one of the times. They had Etta n John killing them too. They repeatedly shot her as she tried to run to me. One time she ran to me and said it's John, and was whacked in the back, at the Baird house, another time she ran to me from Redding city hall screaming n was shot in the back or stabbed, another time shot after Krestin n victor traded money under a bridge to put a hit on margrethe, more than once that way n against Henrik. They killed him too n shot another of him in a sofa chair at the olive house n then killed Freds little kids. They also tortured n electrocuted margrethe n henrick n their family. With Donaldsons. One of the Fred's was extensively tortured before dying, at Mary n Donaldsons hands, in a chair. Another margrethe approached me from the bedroom one early morning, and I was in the bathroom, and she was nodding n saying it's you as I was thinking about Elizabeth lying about my family n murdering us....n the door flew open n margrethe was shot n I said, how come you shot her Jeannine? N Meghan??? I said, she was just saying...they put a gun at my head n I lied n said, uh...uh...wait don't kill me bc I'm so glad you RESCUED me, bc margrethe was going to kill me! She looked all mean n sinister saying it's you, it's you....and trying to creep up on me....I could have died! So who can I reward for killing margrethe or did Dan pay them already? I was lying to sound like I didn't like margrethe. I said how come Harry is holding the gun? Harry of Wales. Margrethe and Henrik n Fred titled me as Queen of Denmark and one if the Fred's gave me title of duchess of Denmark. Margrethe n Henrik repeated their intentions about titles over and over. Mary n Donaldsons had no legal right to titles at all, and they were caught and convicted of treason numerous times including tons of payments n murders of the royal Danish family. They were caught as spies and traitors against Denmark in acts of treason, high crimes n sedition. Donaldsons, Johnny, tortured captured n butchered their in-laws..."uh Johnny which Johnny are u cuz I might not want to say too much right now uh....why not? Because margrethe said there's a bad John n he probably has something to do with that dogleash guy." they n their group ambushed royals a number of times at olive house including shooting people in beds. They also had people telling Harry to "get the rest of them" and handing Harry of Wales a gun n William. CIA coworker Joe Wilson plane for one, Middleton another, n more. Mire than one time the CIA planes paid and directed Meghan n Harry...at shootings in Corning, at olive house, under bridges, and woods, and cars n contracts. Meghan n Harry worked for the u.s. CIA, not just "Marines" and that's in addition to all the Mossad stuff n Koch brothers. Harry said to me, it's not me in the CIA, it's william. I said why should I believe you? Are you never murdering my clones n family?

they murdered tons of clones of me...blonds who were me but with bleached out hair, brunettes who looked almost identical to Monica Lewinsky n Mary Donaldson n meghan Markles, and redheads who were me n naturally redheaded but could look completely like someone else with lighting, makeup, and at various angles. I'm 43 and as u can see, without makeup sometimes look like a teen, and in one you can't tell if it's me or Marla maples. The Edward scissorhands one. Queen Elizabeth murdered my clones n kids n Henrik with the rose-lewises and Meghan markels and then lied a d said it was me who did it n she also lied about Henrik...she had David Cameron n his Jewish wife there for some of it, n pm brown. Queen Elizabeth is evil and should be tried in her own country for her own treason. Laura rose-lewises, more than once tried to double me and blame me, along with Lorraine rose, n joy tancer, Michelle Williams, Marla, n others. Elizabeth was in charge of multiple firing squads and secret hits against my family n she had imprisoned a huge number of others who she knew were innocent. Because of her, England n the UK should ansabsolut abolish the entire monarchy. It is that bad. When they are all functioning g for Mossad n using CIA covers, all countries n Innocents are in danger. Elizabeth conspired to put the genocide hits against the Danish royals, for Mossad donaldsons, and she also conspired to murder grace Kelly, suspecting her of being a potential Ally to my clones, one if them, as a non-jew. Daniel n Gary stared at my photo with my hair back n up close with my nose more prominent bc they knew I am proof that Laura rose-lewises is a liar n theif n murderer. She put hits on people n blamed loree n they forced me to day Laura didn't do it, loree did. It was this horrible bitch Laura Lewis. It was not loree. Queen eElizabet knew this and lied..she falsified .any documents...and Laura was murdering old lorees too, n lying n saying it was Queen eElizabet who got killed n it was old clones of myself. The British royals stabbed to deaths a pregnant redhead clone of me in the bathtub at olive house. They machine gunned down a bleached blond clone of myself in the same tub, drowned n murdered Fred's kids including his 3 year old son, butchered n drowned my clones with Markles n Mike Middleton over the toilet, murdered my daughters over the same toilet with Laura rose n bowles, murdered a clone of me with Anna Chapman n then Maria from d.c., gangraped n murdered n beat to death another pregnant redhead clone of me in the shower with her kids, shit Fred in the shower, his kids n lorees kids, including ones from Saudi Arabia, held hostages in the walk in closet, shot kids in the living room, beheaded n tortured people in the pantry room, once a bedroom, massacred my family making them sit on porta potties, shot n stabbed at solo shower stalls, ....more electrocution of Danish n other royals in the pantry room, ....margrethe said to me, again, tortured, it's Cameo, to remind me of something, other times saying the traitor was Krestin, n identifying Mary as her torture. Mary had one margrethe tied n gagged. She dragged her out for getting shot n I said, but u didn't even interrogate her first." .She had a Fred murdered in the woods hiking with me on a cali trip, for smoking marijuana and talking against her. She and dmiti Medlev murdered Fred's family n some others in lorees family, and Krestin was handed guns by Vladimir Putin to shoot his half siblings n other royals n clones, and Victor n Krestin were both given guns n demands or approval on killing more of my family. Other times, Mary had paid Russians to do it. Lisa thebault was with her sometimes. Krestin n Victor were paid by Robin bechtold to commit shower murders, Koch brothers, Ivan fedorchuck, and Mary n Jim murdered another in a shower. Olivia Munn, Oliver north, n Oliver Stone, all showed up there n murdered my kids n clones, n henenways with their kids Sarah n Olivia, n Beth. Henenways were paid by James cartright, sandbergs, Mossad, n they knew Maryanne McIntosh n pardo, n donaldsons n markels. They shot clones if mine repeatedly by door frames n fingers that look like Jewish scroll metal carriers. It was Scott rose n kargman who first shot my clones over this, for saying they worked for Mossad n they kept lining up my kids there including. With bowles Lopez n markels n mercados...they said you'll never reach your full height n told a little girl of me or my kids to squat in that corner calling us squatters n saying that's what they would do to us n they raped us while photographing m taping it with donaldsons. Fred said the traitor son was Mexican meaning red, white green cors of Christmas for Krestin bc I tried to come up with a way to refer to him. That way, we also could remember Perez n Mossad in connection with them. Shimon Perez. They tortured to death many of my sons n Fred, and one Henrik, in gruesome ways....Donaldsons group of Mossad did, n then mafia. They tortured them to have eyes so black from black eyes they could hardly see n one of Fred's sons with swollen eyes said, it's Krestin. I said that's who did this to you?? And he nodded. It wasn't gal or Krestin or Victor saying this, it was lorees son. They had some of her sons blackened and burnt partway, and the light brown to blond he son with swollen eyes did not have blue eyes. He looked as Nordic as loree with bleached hair. He was also short. Fred also had reminded everyone that loree was a great grandmother already n had kids in line to the throne. I asked one of my sons, who do u think is trying to double u? And he said Krestin. I said anyone else? N I mentioned Daniel Craig n one of them said Bob. His eyes were green. I'm right now making pork chops marinating in a fruit cocktail crushed up with taco seasoning n made coconut macaroons. I wasn't sure what style I'd make them n drew a lot from italian, Mexican, grilled, Thai Chinese, n decor n drew Mexican. I saw this same son of mine being raped by men, tortured, killed, and having documents placed on him to frame him instead of Krestin. He was shot by mark Shaw n Donaldsons, n by russians lied about including by Calagun after regular Russians. He was also short by Levi n by Mossad n Mike tancer killed him too...I said, u look so much like Krestin no wonder he's blaming u..from a distance, n u also have the same thing I have with our eyelids sometimes puffy in the morning but not looking so much like krestin or joy Sterling tancer later....or caril Goldsmith.

I told one son I'd be sure to get the Koch's in a pic after photographing my cooking n they had my kids tortured over all of this, but they are by a chain link fence usually..the roosters..Koch's. I saved bacon grease for frying thing..grilling the chops in later. Pork chops reminds me of prince Charles..p.c. he stabbed n encouraged the massacre of my clone of me at olive house. Hwe killed my son too. If u look at the macaroons they have a rumpled plastic underneath...a quick for remembering Rachel weitsz n other Rachel's murdering my clones n having us raped including demanding pregnant n breastfeeding clones of my family take off their shirts to be raped. Rachel's were not raped...we were n then murdered. There's more, incl. Shocking things but I'm tired a little .I remembered someone saying make it a double liking my drinks of tequila sunrise n Sicilian sunsets n then I remembered saying I'm much more obedient now...n getting raped iver it n then I was taken on a vacation with William of Wales n at first I thought he might try to help my family but he was trying get out of things n then one of the Williams had me s molested n raped n when Katie n Mike asked where I'd been I said uh yeah I had a good time. I'm much more obedient now. They glared at me n they said so what were u doing with William? N I said, I was his sex slave. Katie took her gun out n aimed at me n someone said Katie, restrain your fire. Katie was going to shoot me again by a wardrobe book ase but didn't b to c someone pointed out liquor to make her feel better n then I was told Katie works for Nichols. So.eone said to me no Cameo she works for Samantha. Meanwhile, Harry n William kidnapped me to go on another "vacation" n raped me tied me up n programmed me all week. I have to day, I sometimes felt sorry for William bc he had people killing him he'd never guess but mostly I didn't bc he havked living clones of myself down...cutting through torsis with a sword. One if his clones proposed to me. They said dont feel sorry for him, he killed your son.". Then I thought yeah, they don't like us. He'd killed my kids, cut through clones of me n butchered n mo-sawd down. Lines of my family with Kate. I realized there is sisomethi wrong bc not every single William i s inove with Katie. Mike Middleton was saying n smirking it was great that Katie liked giving blow jobs to William. Someone else wasn't so enthused about Mike Middleton s nonchalance. My sons were really sabitVed . I made Spanish paia, salad with rafdicio, tomato n iceberg lettuce n chipolte mango dressing n pok chops marinated in fruit cocktail with taco seasoning n Mike hard liquor. I really like cooking though my other clones n margrethe were even better than me
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