Saturday, February 24, 2018
An aside about the spitzes... compliments
They've settled down for the night n they are real ears n eyes dogs. One has selected my feet and facing door 1 and the other is guarding door two. They are each facing a door, n when hearing entry n driving up to house, they perked up n barked n male dog howled. They are growling at everything. Male dog faces foot door at my feet and female restaurants across my lap facing door two, both if them previously growling n barking at sounds from either door. I'm not enthused about the tongue action. I'm not into little it big dog kisses all the time,non my body or face, but it's not too bad. Mostly the repulsion is from Donaldsons n waleses ehi had buddies over to commit bestiality on me...but my sons, n a Fred n riysls trusted it was right to have me reintridrein to this breed probabky bc they knew my sons nbdaughts n others tried to save my life. I think my kids had herder n big dogs n a Russell terrier. One Fred cried n cried.vi git enoygh rumbto last the weekend so KEEP it COMIN folks...I'm barely getting by with abxuanx n panic remembering beheading n crueslest of cruel to ies of MY OWN self, not to mention kids n ithers everyday. One Fred cried n said it's this, referring to these fldogs n so did a son. I remembered a Fred marrying me too. Is that crazy? Well, I thank God for tum bc it makes me half less paranoid but there were a few Fred's, who proposed n were murdered, mostly by waleses. See to iously. Waleses are hardcore Mossad n CIA players. They do not love me n Philip is no exception although he did repeatedly try to say once, it's Sarah...it is Sarah. That must have meant something. But I remembered a Fred, eatly on, crying n crying...I think his beautiful sons more than all, really suffering n even mean bob jrs know this. My God the ones they all murdered must have seen some sicko messes from Mary traitor to yurn on her bc all of them worked for and supported her. Fred married me n then prince Charles of englEng married me to attempt to "undo" the damage n seriousness if my being child bride of denmDen when they hated our guts bc they only like Jews working for mossad. I mean, the waleses, excepting a few, really really hated and wanted to kill my family. Here's a pic of the doggies...
well yeah I've seen better pics of myself, here I am looking like the founder of bavarian rotaltylty with a droopy eye. Anyway, the black dog at my feet us scooter Tooter Momo boy n the black one on my lap is little girl big boys Challenger. I look terrible but in person look better. I'm the queen so anyway, we not always pretty. I'm laughing now...so like I said Fred married me n then Charles of enEngla got worried n doencer kids n Philip went nuts about it. I said, uh uh uh uh....I can forget! How about uh you find someone in England who wants to marry me n then you won't hate me as much n you can tell everyone the only child marriage I have is to enland royals not Danish????? How come these men keep showing up to visit me before getting shot...crying n crying n crying...I think I was age 5 or maybe earlier...3? I know by age 4 n 5 they cried bc the u.s. n Mossad told me to live Jesus Christ then, so I would not remember Krestin...they were saying Christian...be a Christian Cameo....n forgeedet all about double triple traitor Murdering lying spying Krestin. Hello? Hello? How come tuddians n Mexicans are breaking into my house all the time n blacks Jews for Rachel Meghan Markles n Hebrew speakers for Mossad n British? Is there any good read on all the British people show up with Mossad to murder my family jack? Hello JACK. I'm going to have another drink JACK, without your pervs. Waleses raped me with British n Donaldsons n Danish with them. So did Joe plame, mark b Russians n Germans with Merkel. Fred marridm me, n tried to remind me if my ring, putting his hand over mine, n he was ambushed by donalDonal n another time he was ambushev by a clone of himself with thebfonalthe Donaldsons. Later, Fred ambushed me with his donaDonald kids n Joey Mossad plane blower...oh yeah n kohens, netantahus, moosaad , Scott rose, n Jew jewbjew n Dagan n moshe n hey throw in moscowitz n Ivan fuckibgbfeforchuk...n vutaly n Dmitri n wow...josep Jose with Vladimir putPu.putin. nuthin Russian except Mossad Merkel n best of luck. Spencers showed up ewit MossdM n that includes Daniel god damn him personally n all his descendents forever n Rachel weitsz bitch for Mossad n oh hey shell sport fot mi6 n hay! CIA toooooooo. What a fucking load of major crap. Oh yeah n Rachel weitsz is into crap as in human feces, too...she and Daniel craCr did horrible sick things to people including forcing them to crap all over the place from torture n even forced childbirth n bragged about it. Loudon, Craig n eeitz ate Mary's sickest shit Mossad squad squatters b how many times did we have to day get the fucking daugs n Katz off of our property. Weitz was still being outed wulith tent designs, crumpling up one side to resemble her shirt...over n over n over Daniel god DAMNED Craig humiliated raped n tortured my son with Mossad bitches who literally stole diamond rongs from me. I got my sapphie diamond ring back by court order m they shit the judge n got a new one n forced me to give it to Kate fucking shrewvwho murders William too, on western style in wenstchee, at gunpoint. This fucking bitch is wearing my and my royals daughters ring while other Mossad jrw shrew trairtr buddy buddy wears stolen royal wardrobes, assets, n jewelry n fucks Fred at night to breed Jew Mossad shits who already gangraped Fred n his family themselves personally, sent him as a kidnapped hostage on more than one boat, n had him tortured n hey! Shit up with his babies n kids n loree while departing from Old City aHall in Tacoma, Wa. This giddamned weitz was promoted by dicksie n bob Jr bc she's Jewish until one day they killed one of them bc they wanted to put all the blame on Rachel Chandler n none on weitz. Weitz put my sons in cages at a houeh...n that's the not the worst... This Craig shit? Guess what...related to William of Wales " I don't want Cameo to work or have kids or be royal" Wales as one of his bitchy wives. Jessica Craig n Daniel god DAMNED Craig, not yo mention he competed against my royal sons for acting jobs as a bond man n the stupid less talented n criminal rapist Mossad shit won by terrorism. He landed a job as a Mossad plotting genocide, CIA Mossad mi6 ciurted man but hey Daniel...make sure you're only getting your doibies from David Koch, k? N maybe Marla Trump, another Jew, n Gary Goldsmith cuz it ain't kosher if it's not "rolled" by lying, plotting genocide bitch Carol. Let's roll. Yeah...hilarious. that bitch n modsad Amber rudd are responsible for more than twin towers going down including total lame ass Brits Beckham's n paltrow here Jew who n Martin Doobie fuck up who steals songs from little girls while raping them. I don't like his mesdly fucked up British ass or his asshole either n I was forced as a kid to see his asshole. I think it's odd hate Winslet wants to roll out yo the u.s fir fMary beaner gas farter for Mossad...whoooopie!!!!hey you too Meghan n Katie..you drink like bad proplame Mossad farts. If anyone in England had any idea, they'd be out if their nice saddlebags British welfare. They are hideous Hooters. Hideous. These shits ate the world's WORST genicocide plotters n they whine about funds for holicaust museums while asking for destrctiomd of holicaust n genocide sites they n dumbo daddy n roollobrois root root toit toot Trainwreck of a God shaming disaster Carol asks for "more candy". Just more candy for mrs.raugusts lil candy jar for second graders were fucking over with the principle n teachers at military base operated garden heights elementary in Moses lake...so Cameo does not do as well in scholastics n cannot go to an ivy college even though every single one if this shitty bitch Mossad Mossad royals assasinatorrs can kiss my ass on genius. Goldsmith paid raugust n her husband I the early 80s n so did Ford with Donaldsons shits. I said, Gerald, are you trying to sound like Gary or Jerry or something? Bc how come you're paying Mary Krestin Josephine Isabella n shit-shit too? Just bc you want to murder my entire family n all their friends n pay these stupid public school teachers to kill my family with Mary bitch n torture me in class to have worse grades when you already know I'm a bigger genius? I said come on Ford, admit it, who is the genius? Me or Mary? My dog is growling now bc if the rocks the fucking stupid dtoner rocks won't cry out, guess who will? MY dogs. Stoners sometimes rarely meant Mary donaldson...Mary n Juana...so basically we had a stoner nickname for her group. Mary Donaldsons did not say with only one agency...they were CIA doies n Mossad spies. Mary was paid. One if my clones yold me the only group she really doied for, the dominant one her founding base, was mossad. My clonevrepeatclon said only use bleach to reminf me she had firm evidence the dominant payor to Mary was mossad. Mary was the muenster....monster, n muenster cheese face

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