Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Dance party tonight at Pandora's dance site

Well if you feel like joining me,. YOU... Yeah lighting strikes every time she moves...like me, this is what she came for...me & margrwthe...hey margrethe...did u do that nasty bad thing in the woodshed? Yeah me too. Let's get em.  Do u know why u have alternatives gone bad?  It's Donaldsons...they infitrated you like u are the only girl in the world.  Mossad killed more of my family to the pandoPand playlist of my songs including. La, lala la from performers for la la la la la la la la la .  IIwrote i took a pill in ibixa whem i was about age 9..any conseqyencrs? My daughter shot for holsing upua placard of plan ,B         shes aaloved by God martyr n the killer is damned.   la la la la .ktestin n Donaldsons put Fred on a boat to the song of shake senora. They rolled him.  up. The real royals......are saints. The real royals yeump donalDonal every single hour I'd the day of the week... Don't give up my friend n family. The crew of deserve me urderef a. Line of me n her kids n stolr my song....get them ..dirty grubbers. My kids liked my song, we work hard, we play hard bc it's true...no k e worked n socialized n kept peace harder....my family love.... N I hear that song, see ground to earth traitor like kazistan nasa travelers n see familiar traitors for markels ruusian regim. Karashov, olynpic medalust...titly  orrupt.  Bad people this tall tedheaf man nnblond wife oh I want something like this... Does Martin n Jew paltrow have anything of their own?  I wrote that song bitches.  I'm so rude song...the MTV ...cops really did that...they'd show up, n kill my kids n take drug n sex bribes.  Hey yo. Y argu wit wit real genuisrs..me nmine...we cool. Bless up we Gucci n we no it, we ain't got a preacher on the front line but hey ...we cool like that...I wrote that.my prince n princesses are from the mother of genuisrs not due.bas math traitor ray ho. We eating top ramen next modlun, n yeah...we don't got a lot but we cool .....way cooler dan-donaldson .Huck chick Killin slicing in half hot stuff losers. Hi it jot plames puckin stupid ciavshis calgun losrs now.im feeling so fly like a g-6... I wrote tha ut too...n guess what...I'm not the genius of the family.  Yeah...us n Mossad so D U mB God so SYUP I'd ....they kill real genuisrs with little compartimental math brain Do bynaldsons n their pirtwrhoypo stupid Susanna steaks. The only things Chris dabney feared: .exposure as moddad, my lists of all my songs pricing u.s.n Mossad hostage slave holding of royals ning what kiracje genuies g e genghis kids had chosen as mother.......nocide ..he did not want even Fred know ..the other things dabney feared....that Fred might.... discover....he was holding all freds hostage for his darling Donaldsons...I swear to u Fred..it is not a lie. I'll tell .who thunder is...thunder thighs joy tancer...she framed my clone and sjs is a Mossad bitc.  hwhT my lonestbohfht wad ppropriaye was prison for the tancers..it's appropriate. He was attempting to marry after murdering us n wanting to encapsulate ne to himself instead if " gulp, anynpoddany possibility of Fred." I said, what makes u YOU think YOU are a better man than FRED?????  You think you've promised your own sick kosher penis to raping ME n killing n raping NY clones n u wBtmamarrymew?..B mar.  Mike tancer waamaking big penis n farting jokes with Mossad Spencer's n Josh gatov n rises..rape is funny to them, Koch's, n Jerry Seinfeld ..sorry don't know sein language.  Hey Victor, exiting Fred's son, why don't u ask Thor?  Thanks David door Dr. Shaw. Byyyyyyyyyyeeeee. Byeeeererrr. Hey furry feather shoulfers
....I'm not white shoulders or f.s. or phoeb e, or jasin batenam...hey I'm so not into hirney n Horne's for Etta n fucked up.modsad John...vomit. hey try ugly dabney with a god goddamnged cadamned canadian heinz, olive nan murder n rapist .  He framed my son for missad n moved into my sons house. Even a bob admitted it was my sons hoyse.  And that he had done nothing wrong...but bob?  He was late.  He thought about switching sides after helping murder so mant clones of me n my family we couldn't recover...he was helping donaldsonds. The u.s.serioysly shot my clone with sheriff's 9 occ help opters, for krsestin n Donaldsons.  They murederd my clone on the beach.  God, get me out if he'll u.s.a. n punish Mossad, isrEl n ysa. They had jews pretending to bey friends when I was a little kid...I hate these govt shits represented in this movie from cable 28-4 from Corning....killed...Wes, Lance, cliff, Alabama coach man, Penn, Fowler, bechtold, vaken, John from olive tree, middMiddl ton, gellars, Seinfeld, kochs n Stacy eppsons fun Mossad trucking buddy rapists .Nick nolte n all the actors n mark from this movie. They made me shoot my own family over Mary Donaldson, at the olive house.  His voice is like Rick bakens n both murdered with Donaldsons.  They spied with Angela Shaw's, tancers, baird-garrwtts, Mossad, n Calagun n plame this hulk Hogan movie of murdering the Hogan makes me sick.  I was the Hogan one of the times..I hate the u.d.  do u want to know how STUPID the u.s. is?  I can rattle off lists of just my own work n prove the u.s. is stupid, greedy, n the first country in the entire world... I need political asylum. I HATE the u.s. n this fronting fraudulent faker corrupt govt. I hate them.  They traffick Hyman's n sell them. Mike god damn middlMidd didn't want any of the book titles from my kids n clones to be revealed to me...he was hiding slave labor with his sicko shit eye bitch Goldsmith.  She's disg Iusting. I can't ever imagine being in live with a shit like that. He cannot live right until he LEAzrNs to control himself!  Hahaha....David, u r a disgusting terrible horrible cruel monster sliugh slough...it's like a minster, muenster Mary cheese face muenster face monster David of Wales n David skader.  Meghan's kids are hideous. .They're freaks n she's a baby killing bit h n was supported by both bob Jr n dicksie....n deserves zero.  The only reason they promoted her I'd bc she killed my family with thrm n took money for it....bob n dicksie cared more about Jew n Jew than any prostestant hostage.  Bob n dicksie shot clones of me n my kids over Meghan like Katie Jew, rachelsjew n Rachel's Jew, n Jew who , Jew Koch, Barbara Gary, Jerry, Larry, n Obama's, n Goldsmith n tancer...they murdered us. This bulb at him sitting down in 1nd hulk movie, is of Lily from beckinsales. CIA director n torturer.bib n duckdic killed my family for Meghan...they supported her for being Mossad.loree n he kids were killed in restaurant booths booths like in the second hulk movie.  I was upset bc the FBI changed the plot to their own favor. I said, I HATE the u.s! They think they can even tamper with movie plots????? They go on n on about propaganda n then murder people over movies n paymentnirnlaxk of payments from movies.  They put ME in a nutward for saying I wrote n directed the star wars material, when I did....my kids were murdered n not allowed to display books they had authored, n not received credit for.  What Fred needs to fo is get rid of all the donaDonald sons unless he's stupid n the biggest traitor of Denmark they've ever seen.my daughters n sons cried over this movie, with the 5 men line up of suspects arrested...they cried n said leave the u.s.  don't go to San dDieg...it's no use...they don't care what's true.

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