She mostly stayed at home n spied except when she traveled with u.s. military to pick up drops going to Russians, Merkel spying against calscope, with make Middleton, and to Israelis n Mossad...she had total access to records inside the white house, CIA, FBI, calscope, and all military braches as well as access through her kids to all military n govt n personal residences in Denmark. They picked up documents, downloaded computers, havked into systems with Jews, stole property n broke into places, she planned plane, train n bus n ship crashes against Protestants Fred's n his family, including margrethe n henrick, n she carried it out and watched n put in bombs. The thunder I thought I was hearing was bombs. Loree had nothing to do with shooting margrethe with arrows either n Fred knew. They were making me suggest she did but she didn't. She was murdered by Sarah netanyahu and her group n bullick is a big problem n her black son was a liar, spy, n paid by Mossad. They took Fred's babies away from him n loree n kicked them to death at a campsite outside n then did this to more of Fred n hid his kidkids. They also used Danish military employed servants to butcher up Fred's family in Denmark with Mary. She looks like me if I'm fat with brown hair n from angkrs...sort of like a larger Isabella rosselini but without tooth gap. They made fun of loree n murdered her n held her hostage n raped after lying about her kids to favor Zionist fucked up Jew Mary n her kids who worked for Mossad, making her grow out chin hairs, two which laud flat going either direction lice lace in Katie's wedding neckline dress design, n calling her whiskey n making us chug huge, huge amounts of liquor, take pills, n marijuana. They were giving me marijuana on some trapping if my family expeditions with animal traps, n use it to disorient kids so they can't remember but I remembered Mary...for marijauana was there n I dumped the weed. Stoner is for Mary Donaldson. Fred n his kids were murdered by stone bridges n Rick walls n piles for pointing it out, including in East wen where they stoned them to death under a bridge. Fred kept pointing to all the rocks under a bridge saying it's this n Obama's n Jews n bairds n Garrett's who were profiting from making hits against my clones n promoted Donaldsons for pay n Zionist jobs, stoned them to death, with Brian and Lisa thebault, bullivant houser lawyers, Dennis n Paul Cassell, Dan gatti n Greg Smith, Markles, Jen Garner n ben Affleck, Jennifer Meyers n Ron Meyers, Sharon vourtright n Barb maiers entire family n Scott rose Wilson n Lorraine who shouted n cheered. Larry galizio n his wife n Chris hitchens n Carol blue, Goldsmith's n Middleton's n Spencer's...all of them oarticparticed in stoning my family to death in multiple locations over Mary. Almost every incidence was with 80 percent Jews n Mossad using u.s. n other covers, including Russian Jews Putin, Medlev, n Chapman. These Jews n Mossad stoned multiple sets of my family including at least one set of margrethe with Henrik who had titled loree n her kids as the only royals n knew Mary was worse than heimler, Hitler, or even dabneys. She stopped Ed Henrik n margrethe to death with Mossad n plames n roses. Angela was there n Jewish Russians. Their spying with jewisj Russians was a way to get other Russian Nationals against my family, thinking there was something wrong with us when there wasn't, n to launder their money back to yoohoo Israel. The Mary who stoned Henrik n margrethe is the same one they made public figure now. They are the group who do not believe in heaven or hell n no afterlife reward or punishment n wanted murders n genocide NOW bc they have no regard, in actuality, for god, angels, other spiritual forces. They did brain surgery n torture to Protestants to keep them from using god-given gifts of espionage, second sight, prophecy, n foreknowledge. They do not fear gid even though they are the group with a Bible Torah saying fear god...give god some respect--they don't believe in God..they skirt getting caught by govt n public person's but they have no incentive or reason to be moral, love or respect god, or afterlife consequences...they call people who believe this "stupid" and smirk in their arrogance, n kill n butcher terrorism for as much Jewish Israeli national power as possible n Mary donalDonal described themselves as atheists, saying they do not believe in God. She is a fraud, abusing representation of the people n Protestant Lutheran Church, like waleses n Elizabeth pretending to be "Anglican protestants.". Mary who us now public figure is one of the Mary dinaDonalspevdinaD specifically said she was an atheist, which helps her feel better after no problems in hell...she wants hell on Earth for Protestants, like Elizabeth n Markles, n to defend the entire communist Mossad n people of Israel with kibbutzin n socialism turned into pluticracy for communist Jews. They are vilently racist against Protestants n use their piwers to kill n steal from them n spy on them...every Dane n American who is a Protestant is despised by Markles, Mary n her family n Goldsmith's. She wanted to control all the majority Lutheran's in Denmark for Israeli hate crime motives if punishing anyone Lutheran or Protestants for germant based Lutheran majority imprisoners of Jews during ww2 including polish Lorraine rose n her family n Carol Goldsmith's. These people will lie about anything n kick babies to death n rape them. I was on steroids for the first year of my life bc if rape n internal bleeding n not getting shots to prevent hemophilia. Donaldsons n Mossad waleses didn't want us to have shots to prevent damage from it. They are not Protestants, they are hardcore Zionist Protestant gating Jews who steal from Rich and kids n force Protestant n Arabian royals n Mexicans related to them to be gangraped as sex slaves. Mossad sold babies n embryos n women n men n I personally witnessed Mary n her kids, on numerous occasions, implanting women with emryos against their will be force and while they were drugged to be wasn't was Mary. Also, she expressed her atheism before I asked her to talk about it in front of us govt, but she was also ritualically wearing veils with other Mossad for Jewish prayer time n putting espionage info into tanach scrolls. This is the public figure one along with others n her female Mossad buddies we're Rachel Chandler, Rachel markes, princess Anne Anna Chapman, Trump', Obama's girls, Chelsea Clinton, Jen Garner n Jen Meyers, thebault girls, Paul Ryan's wife, Randy's wife, n they have both these men wanting to run for next president n both are also more Mossad Jews, Amanda bynes, Sarah tancer, Alicia Silverman, Alicia keys, Michael stahlbarg s kid or wife, Barb Streisand, joy sellens n maiers, Sandra bullick, Kate n Pippa middlMidd, Carol, wendybwagler n wendy, gardenia Alia n locklyns kids, both Amber's plus Amber rudd, David Cameron wife, Michelle Obama n Michelle Pfeiffer, Cathy Shaw, joy tancer, Beatrice n Fergie n kids (both marrying more Jews..what else), Sofie rhyss Jones, Yulia tymoscenko, Marcia Clark, rose girls,...all if Mary donaDonald praying Mossad prayers Jews who were torturing my kids n murdering them, in their inner circle called a cell, are only Jews. Mary says she is atheist but she practices prayer time with only Jews, privately, conspires genocide, and uses rabbis to fund her. They made fun of me one time, saying I was stupid n laughing that I said I believed in angels n Jesus n life after death n they sneered saying hold on to that special comfort...haha she thinks it will all turn out after she dies n they said they did not believe in any of those things. I said, Mary doesn't even believe in angels and how stupid is that? And you promoted her as being smart n she doesn't even know her own Jewish Bible and I do and I'm eight years old. I said I'm holding up eight fingers for sausages for g-e-r-m-a-n-y to remember your only angel is zngela Mossad merkel. I said well I'm one more than that for an explanation point. They said so who is Brittany n I said, she's a Mossad Jew too...I said, how come you guys want to profile n single out all of the evangelicals? Yes you are. I overheard Mary n the rest of you talking about which houses n people n business owners were Evangelical so you could bug them, kill them, n steal n raid their houses n business who are they? Jen Garner n bullick said they'd kill me if I divulged theit Jewish practices n then ben came over n said he'd kill me. I said you're going to slay me in the spirit??? Whoo...only if it's YOU been, u handsome devil." Someone said, u want a black n tan? I said, u don't have wild turkey? Later time n group...n Obama jumped up with bullick son n raped me with Affleck after netantahus conversation. I said they're wild dogs. They had Raul wolf bujanda n Jewish Mexicans jump me next with Jonathan n Matt n netan was going to strangle me but someone told him no n I said, you want to kill me for knowing your Bible n they said name one angel n I said Michael. They daid how do u know about the Jewish religion n I said I've been reading my Bible everyday since I could read n some said, get rid of her Bible..I don't want her reading it. They said who do u pray to? I said, god, Jesus, n the angels. They murdered some of my kids for saying they did believe in Michael. They daid to me you're a polytheist n I said no I'm not n they said yes u are n I said what's that n they said more than one god. Isomeone said how do u know you're not if you don't know what it is n I said bc anything that man says is a lie n he hates me. They had more people over including Fowler, gross, n Medlev n Putin n then Canadians...Canadian Jews. With Donaldsons n margrethe n henrick we're shotwere shot by them.i said I'll go to Canada again n when I'm there track down all the liars who are Jewish, defaming my family n selling our bodies, shooting refugees at the border n before. They wanted some to be lied about n called schitzoohrenic for having dogs that represented who Mary works for called skipperkees...key for every piece firs in maupau Argentina puzzle for Golda meirs. Whittemire, Angela, cartright, ...all involved n daney n tancers n middMiddleton n Daniel Craig nother Dan's...some if them beat up Henrik first n ivan. They told Obama the skipperkees we're wild dogs, African, to expose Obama's as mossad . Others involved...kargman, good man, Israel, netanyahu, Moshe, kayzur, navon, ehud, ezer, Scott x 3, Bruce n Karin, jack, bill Clinton, eight bc they didn't need me overseas Ryan n Randy, Goldsmith, will n Harry, Brian thebault hi, holder n Larry alder. They said we wneren't going to familyCanada anymore aft er I was eight bc they didn't want me traveling overseas anymore n wanted Mary to have territorialfull torial co ntrol I was expected to actually prove espionage by Krestin n Donaldsons n identify Jews in Canada frami hi ng my ffam ily. Obama's murdered my family saying it was wild dog n I said we got black bc it was like a black bear, dark at night, n wasnt obviously blond for Golda but we had blond ones daughter got one. They killed Henrik for saying Obama n then someone said don't go to Canada n Joe plame was there. I said how come u guys keep switching Joe n Ivan with Henrik? They said they didn't want me in Canada to "get" mike n daughleish said he didn't want me in San Francisco to get robin. I said, re. Mike, how come mark is here? I said can I go to Los Angeles n they said yeah go there after no first n I said henrick used to have friends there but now it's overrun with Donaldsons stahlbarg n bechtolds people. Janet coached Mary in Jewish prayers. Bob said it was Troy that I pointed at once not mark but another time it was mark. Someone said, it's Helen of Troy n anothert's troitsky. Henrik was beat up n shit n then multiple murders of his sons. Donaldsons were always there n mostly Spencer's n it was at a house in Denmark or England bc mark Shaw from England showed up. My phone is acting n really slow to compute my typing. Meghan Markles n her blacks showed up to murder n shake a Fred over Tupac shakir n Rachel Chandler n my not being Bob's kid or dicksies. Rachel killed a clone of me trying to have a baby at a house in Corning n other daughters of mine were killed in childbirth. Donaldsons there. They also killed a Fred for saying Mary worked for russian CIA. Daughleish packed my daughters vagina with concrete so she couldnt deliver or have sex with Fred for loree...they packed my clones with concrete. They did this to my sons too n to a Fred n to his little kids. They took one Fred outside after making him watch n shot him n his son screaming it's Mike n Robin. Atdo, Fowler, sellens, maiers n Meyers n construction men helped. Pardo shot an older loree being raped by his group when I was looking at dogs for divulging Mossad pay n Robin. Scott Lewis, tancers n bush chopped off my sons feet n his legs over another dog I looked at. They also made Fred's kids n Arabian royals walk without shoes in the snow n hiking on rocks. They took a clone of me n her kids to willows, CA and chopped her body in half while she was alive making her little kids watch crying for Mommy n then dismembered her kids, all of them Fred's n lorees. Mossad forced me to lie about my clones to inspire hate crimes...saying Mike t. Was chopped when it was my sons , saying poor Mary had to walk without shoes when it was Loree n her kids, later telling me again that a clone of myself with hair they had forcibly dyed black n I said the why does she have my lip, they're big
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
More later
Fred n son say Donaldsons spy for Angela...CIA..Mossad...Etta's the one who sold Fred's kids to Angie for prison. She was murdering with Angela n Janet bechtold n Jews. Michael stahlbarg and Michael Shannon n their friends were others plotters of genocide n murder n rape n so was Troy Shaw, mark, n more than one but bob meant Shaw n Krestin was paid by a number n Victor too n they held hostage clones n their dad n injected them sometimes to torture n other times to die. Henrik said to divorce Mary n in code Fred said tell my mom to get a divorce...meaning, Mary is evil. He made me call her from ta c Omar when he was hostage n they were killing his kids at 2nd Ave. Mark army man sold hits n paid krestin or gave them papers. The spigot sound of pipes from standup torture or water rushing out is mimicked by horses. Stalbarg n Jews wanted Henrik killed soon after Mary married to force it on Fred n his donaDonald who they felt they controlled. They were with Mary n they plotted with Joshua, who was raping us n stealing from us and killing us. They tied loree to a pole. Mark Shaw of England havked my sons head in half with an account n stabbed pregnant loree or shot her as she pissed for pictures by a book case, 3 or more months pregnant. Mark also shot one loree in the back of the head in an executions n then us army mark killed some if her family. Robin n bechtolds n Etta were at glacier park murdering Fredericks entire family with Mary. Another murdrm if margrethe was with arrows in the woods. One of the times I was made to go in the woods n dicksie smirked at donaDonald after murdering a clone if me with a scissor trap. They were all Mossad Jews out there including Wilson rise n lewises planes n Ron Meyers n Robin bechtolds family. Bechtold was gangeaping me n my daughters in tents with Meghan Markles guarding the entrance n Sandra bullick murdered my daughters hiking with Markles n her grown large black son. Bullock's don gangraped me n all of my clones on a mountain hiking trail n then shot all of them with bullick n Mossad. Chris dabney worked with horrific criminal Michael stahlbarg to murder another henrick n have Joe plame show up as his double after they killed him with bechtold n dabneys. Dicksie shot one of my sons by a stream n waterfall where Chris dabney was...she didn't protect my kids...she was shooting to protect dabney n bairds gad given them money from their house n canned goods n the money was coming from me. They used money I was making as a songwriter to fund dabneys hits n organized rape n mossads profits in holding protesProte white girls hostage to be gangraped n when tied n bound, by Israelis, Mossad, all Donaldsons are baby beaters n rapists, n u.s.they used for cover n blacks. Adude from some Canadian n Mexican terrorists who deliberately used their corrupt govt to conceal mass genocide by Mossad, they were coordinated with a large number of Mossad blacks who influenced all other blacks to steal from us, rape n murder, just by appealing to race. Israel went so far as to select blacks to put in power that worked for Mossad and we're servious terrirsis against Protestants whites n Markles promised Ron Meyers n all Mossad she would put in only as many blacks as she could if she was married as public figure to Harry. They already had half black rapist n terrorist sons n they used CIA n Mossad n Marines to make them think the Markles were u.s. Patriots, like fonsldDona, when they're not. Jeannine n Sandra were also trapping humans with animal traps, with mark nMark n Troy Shaw, tancers, Mossad, n Sterling tancers, president Ford n roses n Joshua lipps, joshbrose n Josh gatov. Dicksie n bob repeatedly murdered my family for Mossad, promo from Jews, n bc it was their teal kids murdering clones of myself n all of my family n colluding with Mossad to falsely accused n frame my family for espionage with Daniel n Rachel Craig and Rachel Meghan Markles....every one of them Mossad operatives committing g n campaigning for full genocide of a massive family n friends who were Protestants n royals. Murdering us made them feel they would have zero challengers left n Mary wasn't titled n was a double n a housemaid n worked selling people, stocks n phones
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