Friday, April 13, 2018

Carter says, why doesn't William go to vagina w you?

A few Carter's who were old were murdered by Mossad. Mary was mad one said he'd go with my family instead of her n she shot him at night near rowher Bros.  A Reagan was also murdered n I said how come they killed Ron Reagan but not Ron Meyers?  It wasn't my family killing them. The Mossad shot maybe two more Carter's who were old.  One put his fingers in hand by my vagina n said why do they you ask Katie why William doesn't take you there?  I.e., to CIA Virginia, apparently bc we didn't work there but they did.  Same said by another about Mary.  One Carter said, what do u think about denver?  N they said, you're  not going to hear the answer to that question Jimmy. N they shot him. I said what's the big deal about a Denver question ?  He also said, it's Anna, and they shot him.  He said that to's Anna.  Mary also killed a Mike out here, n I heard something about a Richard Nixon.  When Rebecca told me Mary killed mike I said, but I thought he was killing YOU so why would Mary kill him?  She said to call police as soon as Mary killed him. They blamed it on my clone or me but it was Mary d. I said, do I have a son named Mike? Several sons n Fred's shot across the road n another Carter n Carter under a tree near John Deere...hit on head n shot.  Margrethe said, would u like to marry my son? N she said, when I'm gone theres not much I can do, but I'm sure they'd be understanding if frd divorced Mary after hearing more.  Then someone showed up n said, no margrethe Fred is not getting divorced. Then they shot her.  One person, I think fred, told me one day, by the tree, it's John. Change course." I then remembered jogn daughleish on ships with navy, holding hostage n stealing.  He went to russia, under the radar 9 times in one year, n flip flop Kerry was a navy flopping fish of his who worked for Mossad.  John rammed ships into small vessels to murder, n he was also going places in submarines. I said Daniel was involved n they said that's not who Donaldsons are already planning to use against your family to start a martial law war....."they'll all be dead just like I promised.." no! Don't make any deals with him,he's going to lose his license." ....keep the food stamp card until you're almost out of Russia.......dabney holds hosages demands, Fred raped, Fred told to tell his family by phone later he's doin good after trying to communicate without govt interference.  Shooting Fred for signing divorce papers on a ship...Fred don't sign that....pow. shot him for once again divorcing mary. Krestin n viVict see with him for all his trips...John's trips to Russia.

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