Friday, April 20, 2018

Crimes of current Mary Donaldson public figure (updated daily)

The current Mary killed Fred behind Starbucks,held me n my family hostage with CIA Plames n tancers, hijacked planes, and planted bombs, tortured kids nbabies, shot kids at CIA command, stole property, n made fun of royals while stealing their money as a worthless wench with Isabella n josepJose.  She was working with Angela Merkel lot.  She also stole from Calscope.  Angela Merkel is CIA n steals from them so did Mary.  The CIA thought it was a big acheivemach to falsely accused all of my clones n have them shot by Germans at the calscope gates.  I'm at a location now near Penske trucks n it's another biz stolen from my family. There is a building with tires n there used to be a house next to it that Mary, this Mary, broke into n murdered n stole from.  She killed tons of Fred's Danish kids n then more with other families n they tore it down to build a warehouse saying it's mine still but they lied. Bush made a bad deal deliberately n there are hundreds of murder sites here incl. Fred shooting his own sons with Krestin n Victor n having Mary shoot my sons by Penske n make fun of me sleeping outside our own family business.  They had z gas station n rv park na house close by I had a real dad sometimes around n he was shot. Fred n this Mary atecia shits n diulbles for Mossad. They're not siding with Denmark n neither is evil margtethe

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